Testa Rosa IV Vinyl LP
A musical view-master of life in the storied midwest.
"Continuing a steady every-four-years album streak, Testa Rosa’s fourth full-length racks up more career highlights for one of Milwaukee’s most consistent rock bands. There’s certainly a running theme of looking back, world-weariness but without pessimism; the singing and playing are more vigorous than ever, though. The shimmery jangle-pop of “Alice Anything” and “Play It As It Lays” hearken back to early-’90s R.E.M., owing in part to Shane Hochstetler’s dense, punchy production. Betty Blexrud-Strigens’ ghostly harmonies on “Herring Gull” work amazingly well over the band’s insistent rhythm section, while “7w” and “Great Time To Go Back” take us through alternately sad and sunny nostalgic dreampop. And the album’s centerpiece, “High Horse,” may be the grandest piece of music thus far in the Testa Rosa catalog."
Milwaukee Record
"Frontwoman Betty Blexrud-Strigens and the band have made some of the most overtly wistful songs of their discography to open their fourth full-length album. The pop-rock drive of "Alice Anything" and "(Not Saying What You) Really Mean" illustrate a nice new shade for Testa Rosa, but the band's strong suit remains its way with grandeur, gorgeously realized here with the ominous lullaby swing of "Nature Kills Maidens," and on the 6½-minute "High Horse," which swells from simple piano and Blexrud-Strigens' yearning voice to bold, teary-eyed, full-band splendor."
Piet Levy - Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
"Celebrating the release of their fourth album, IV, Testa Rosa stands tall as far as truth-in-advertising goes. When it comes to catchy, haunted pop songs, they are in a league of their own. Betty Blexrud-Strigens would never call herself a star, but judge for yourself. Her low-key stage charm fits perfectly with an unassuming band who are among the best in town."
Shepherd Express
Released November 29, 2019
Recorded by Shane Hochstetler at Howl Street Studios